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Writing Packages Send Love Throughout the Community

By CAPA JRC Reporter Doris Wang

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many students are now staying at home without anything to fill the time. Luckily, Allison Xu, an MCPS student, has found a creative way to keep kids educated and entertained. Allison has created writing packages specifically for elementary schoolers, personalized kits that help students practice and improve their writing. All monetary profits from package purchases will be donated to aid medical efforts against the coronavirus.

Allison’s packages provide students with writing resources that allow them to spend their quarantine time in improving their writing skills. “I developed the package myself to learn story writing during the school closure,” said Allison. “[Many] elementary schoolers are bored at home, and I think writing is a very important skill to have.” The packages allow students to learn, practice, and expand their writing skills.

What gave Allison the inspiration to create these writing packages was her previous experience with students. “Before creating the package, I had taught a few free thirty minute lessons to elementary schoolers and they really liked it,” said Allison. “I thought it would be great to create a package about story writing that the elementary schoolers could use at home.” The writing packages keep students learning, allowing them to use the school closures to their advantage.

Allison was inspired to take action by the example of her peers. “I saw other high schoolers fundraising to give meals to healthcare workers [via] GoFundMe,” said Allison. This motivated her to put a small price tag on her packages so she could donate the earnings to COVID-19 research efforts.

At the start of selling, Allison had no idea that the packages would be so popular among the community. So far, she has sold 81 copies for almost $500. “The original goal was 100 copies, but in less than two weeks, we already [had] more than 80 copies sold. That was really [astonishing],” said Allison.

Allison’s peers also played a major role in helping her sell that many packages. “After learning of my fundraising efforts, my friends, my neighbors, and my teachers all spread the word out on their social networks. It was very encouraging learning from parents’ comments and reviews on how helpful the packages were,” said Allison. “Everyone has been really supportive, and it’s been great.”

After donating her current profits to local hospitals, Allison expressed that she plans on making even more writing packages in the future.

This article was provided by Chinese American Parents Association Junior Reporter Club (CAPA JRC) with members who interviewed, audio recorded, wrote, translated, and video recorded. CAPA JRC has 19 Montgomery County middle to high school students. They have created a bilingual platform delivering news and serving the community.

Instagram: @capa_jrc

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