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The Intern’s Perspective of the ILF Gala

By: CAPA JRC reporter Alvin Tong

At the annual International Leadership Foundation (ILF) gala on July 27th, an interview with a dedicated intern provided a fresh perspective on the importance of volunteering and the value of experience over knowledge. The intern's decision to lend a helping hand at the prestigious event stemmed from his desire to create a positive impact. Rather than being driven by academic knowledge alone, he firmly believed that hands-on experience played a pivotal role in personal growth.

Meet Michael Sun, a dedicated individual with a strong passion for making a positive impact. Recently, Michael had the unique opportunity to volunteer as staff at the ILF gala. Inspired by the foundation's mission to foster leadership and community engagement, he embraced the chance to be actively involved in the event.

Throughout the interview, Michael emphasized the significance of experience over knowledge. During our interview he shared a message: "Anything I can do, you can do." He stressed that, while knowledge is essential, it is the practical application of it that truly empowers individuals.

Michael’s participation in the gala was not merely an opportunity to showcase his skills, but also a chance to contribute to something larger than himself. He said that making a difference in the community was at the heart of his decision to volunteer. Through active involvement in the gala's operations, he felt connected to the cause and experienced a sense of fulfillment.

This article was provided by Chinese American Parents Association Junior Reporter Club (CAPA JRC) with members who interviewed, audio recorded, wrote, translated, and video recorded. CAPA JRC has 25 Montgomery County middle to high school students. They have created a bilingual platform delivering news and serving the community.


Instagram: @capa_jrc


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